
New Publication: PTMVision

Our tool PTMVision has been accepted for publication at the Journal of Proteome Research! Hackl, S.; Jachmann, C.; Witte Paz,…

New Publication: TSS-Captur

Our tool TSS-Captur has been published in NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics! Witte Paz, M., Vogel, T. & Nieselt, K. (2024),…

New Publication: ProtEGOnist

Our tool ProtEGOnist has been published after being presented at the conference EuroVis’24! Brich, N., Harbig, T.A., Paz, M.W., Nieselt,…

New Presentation: GO-Compass

Our tool GO-Compass has been accepted for the conference EuroVis’23. GO-Compass facilitates the comparison of many GO-term lists via a visualization…

New Publication: Evidente

Evidente has been accepted for publication on Bioinformatics Advances! Mathias Witte Paz, Theresa A Harbig, Kay Nieselt, Evidente – A…